The art of customer service: How Folie Douce sets the bar high in brand experience
From the moment I walked onto Folie's sun terrace, wearing a retro onesie and neon facepaint, to win a world record along with over 150 other ski bums, I was hooked...
Following that initial mind blowing experience, I've spent 10 years trying to tick off each of the 12 Folie apres bars, dotted across the world's most renowned ski resorts with friends, family and even colleagues. In this series, my team and I are sharing our favourite brands and why we resonate with them so strongly. As a founder, who's responsible for my clients level of service, I'm going to attempt to share, why The Folie Douce will always be top of my list and how it's unparalleled dedication to crafting moments for its visitors has me returning year on year!

The HLabs team created this awesome animated illustration of me!

Crafting Lasting Impressions
At Folie Douce, every visit is an adventure waiting to unfold. Whether it's savouring gourmet cuisine at one of the on-site restaurants, dancing to live music on the outdoor terrace, or soaking in the breathtaking views from the après-ski lounge, there's no shortage of memorable moments to be had.

By curating a diverse array of experiences that cater to a wide range of tastes and preferences, Folie Douce ensures that every guest leaves with with more than just a ringing in their ears.
I've been visiting Folie since 2017. Where I got in the record books for skiing down the mountain, with 162 other skiers in matching onesies!

Since then, there have been countless memories made right there on the terrace. The sip of champagne to celebrate my Dad finally getting on chairlifts again, my god mother championing small victories in her ongoing battle with cancer and my best friend almost peeing herself after partying on the tables too long before the last ski down.
If a brand can help you recall these types of emotions I'm all for it! I know I'm not the only person to have such stories! These experiences don't just end when guests leave; they become part of their stories, shared with friends and family for years to come, and spark a desire to return time and time again. I know this is why I have!

All the gear... and no lack of ideas!
Stepping into Folie Douce is like entering a world where every detail has been meticulously curated to delight the senses. From the chic interior décor to the sweeping views of the surrounding mountains, every element of design plays a crucial role in shaping the guest experience.

It isn't just about aesthetics. It's about the storytelling. Each corner of Folie Douce, each musician and performer, and each and every staff member tells a unique narrative, inviting guests to immerse themselves in the magic of the moment.

As well as the music, the muscles and the merch, Folie also produce a yearly magazine. Packed with their branded partnered content, illustrated graphics promoting upcoming special events and long form storytelling, I couldn't help but claim one for myself for the journey home. Funnily enough this years issue featured the 'History of Burton Snowboards', which we at HLabs also created a story for in partnership with Red Bull.

Inspired hospitality and going the extra mile...
I've personally felt this warmth every time I've visited. The biggest highlight was sharing this experience with Steph, on her first ski trip to try handyskiing. Without disabled access (at the time) Folie staff quickly organised us VIP treatment, two huge bouncers to carry Steph and her chair onto the tables, along with drinks tokens to party into the afternoon with everyone else.
Customer service isn't just about resolving issues; it's about building relationships and fostering loyalty. Folie Douce understands this implicitly, greeting guests with warmth and enthusiasm from the moment they step foot on the premises.

From attentive staff members who anticipate guests' needs to personalised touches that make every visitor feel like a VIP, Folie Douce exemplifies the art of hospitality.

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Great experience makes a great brand
I've loved writing this piece and sharing why I love this brand. Apologies for the article being a personal, travel journal write up, but I hope I've outlined where a personal attachment meets great brand strategy and why Folie Douce has successfully created a world I want to return to time and time again. The importance of exceptional customer service, captivating design, and immersive experiences cannot be overstated. Folie Douce serves as a shining example of how these elements come together to create a brand that transcends mere transactions to become a beloved institution in the hearts and minds of its guests.
As I reflect on my own experiences, I'm reminded of the profound impact that thoughtful hospitality and inspired design can have on shaping lasting memories and fostering enduring loyalty. Long live Folie.
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