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Make the connection to your audience a memorable one
by using standout illustration and animation
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Illustration & Animation Lab

Did you know…HLabs now offers a comprehensive illustration and animation service? We have a whole team purely dedicated to taking you on a creative journey from ideation and sketch work all the way through to publication.

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What’s included


Data visualization

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curve line icon


Character animation
Motion graphics

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curve line icon

Print & digital production

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phone frame
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They’re fully customizable

The beauty of starting with a blank canvas means many different directions can be explored. For example we can illustrate maps, characters, buildings and even gamified experiences.

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curve line iconcurve line icon
curve line icon
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Helps reach your KPIs

We’ve seen that incorporating illustration and animation in experiences can effectively enhance page engagement and user interaction.

Illustrations aren’t just for digital

While the majority of our illustrations end up in the digital space, they also look brilliant in print form. 

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curve line icon
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curve line icon

Seamless integration 

Whatever no-code platform you choose for your project, our expert design team has the skills to integrate the assets without affecting page performance and load times.

They look spectacular

Saving the most obvious until last, illustrations and animations really add a memorable visual element to an experience.

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Who wants us to start drawing for them?

We take pride in offering a variety of innovative options for our clients on their journey to digital excellence. Here is just a selection of clients who have utilized our illustration and animation service.

independent logo
timeout icon
healthline logo
greatist logo
ingel logo
food52 logo
redbull logo
atlas logo
hyperbeast icon
condenast logo
wwf icon
Illustration image

What’s our illustration and animation process?

illustration / animation
The first step is always to jump on a kickoff call for us to understand your needs and establish an agreed statement of work after a thorough briefing. 
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illustration / animation
Ideation & sketching
Our talented team picks up their pencils (iPads) and gets to work mocking up a variety of sketches and initial ideas.
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Initial feedback
We know how important it is for you to have creative input in this journey. We will showcase a number of routes and ideas before preparing the final concept.
man and catman and cat
Illustration draft
This is where things really start to come to life! The lead time here depends on the complexity of the artwork.
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illustration / animation
Client approval
One last quick check to make sure we’ve hit all the right notes.
man and cat
illustration / animation
Final assets delivery
The final creative is now ready to be added to the interactive experience, or printed, or whatever you wish to do with it! 
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illustration / animation
As our relationship grows and we create more content for you, we’re able to use the valuable experiences learned and data received to help improve future projects. We will always bring the best practices we have learned and share tips when appropriate.
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